Why you should use a registered migration agent?

 1. Going solo – You have a higher risk of refusal Evidence shows that with increased refusal rates, the need to seek help is required even more. Mistakes, misunderstanding of questions, uploading the wrong documents, or not enough evidence often lead to refusals. Increased visa application fees along with higher costs, charges and levies, such as the Skilling Australia Fund …

High Tech

Over 200,000 Hi-Tech Jobs in Australia

Recent changes in the points system have seen additional points being offered to those people applying with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications.

Fake Migration Agents Sentenced

DEPT OF HOME AFFAIRS, ABF: Fake migration agents sentenced

Two Sydney women, one a 30-year-old Australian citizen and the other a 32 year old Chinese national with permanent residency, have been sentenced to conditional good behaviour bonds after pleading guilty to multiple offences against the Migration Act. Australian Border Force (ABF) officers commenced an investigation into the pair in October 2018 after it was reported they were unlawfully providing …

Relief for Growers This Summer

Horticulture farmers around Australia will now receive more support to resolve labour shortages with the signing of a new Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement. The new agreement means horticulture growers will have access to a skilled and semi-skilled workforce to help deliver the fruit and vegetables enjoyed by all Australians. “We have worked with growers and industry representatives to negotiate this …

Vetassess Logo

VETASSESS Skills Assessment Changes – Update from 2 Jan 2020

Priority Processing Update In order to maintain customer service standards for both the Priority Processing service and other applications, VETASSESS is limiting the number of Priority Processing applications to be received on a daily basis. Once this daily limit is reached, no further Priority Processing applications can be received until the following day. The quota is subject to change on a …

Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement

New Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement

From 1 January 2020 Australian horticultural industry businesses will be able to apply for the new Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement to access to skilled and semi-skilled migrant workers, were appropriately qualified Australians are unavailable. Australian employers can use the Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement for the following: Sponsor overseas workers for the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) (subclass 482) visa for a …