Private Medical Insurance – Your Good Health

When applying for many visas to come to Australia, it is a requirement that you have in place private medical insurance. This is especially true of employer-sponsored temporary visas such as Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482), Temporary Work (Short Stay) Activity visa (Subclass 400), or Training Visa (subclass 407) in addition to a Student Visa (subclass 500). The Department of Home Affairs requires you …

Citizenship Applications Adelaide

Citizenship – What do you know about Australia?

To become an Australian citizen, The Department of Home Affairs asks people to pass a citizenship test. These questions cover Australia and its people Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties government and the law in Australia. Here are some sample questions asked in this test. Why not test your knowledge? 1. What do we remember on Anzac Day? A. The …

Immigration Advice Adelaide

Who can provide Immigration Advice?

According to the Migration Act, only registered migration agents or exempt persons can legally give immigration assistance for providing “immigration assistance”. These exempt persons that can provide free advice include: a close family member such as an applicant’s spouse, child, adopted child, parent, brother or sister (it does not include any other relative) a sponsor a nominator a Member of Parliament or …

Competency Demonstration Report for Engineers Australia.

Be aware when writing your CDR – Competency Demonstration Report

Be aware when writing your CDR – Competency Demonstration Report for Engineers Australia. Up to 36 months ban. “Having your Career Episodes written by another person or persons (This includes all hiring or use of any 3rd party professional writers/companies to assist or complete your documentation) constitutes unethical behaviour and may result in serious consequences including but not limited to: …

Why you should use a registered migration agent?

 1. Going solo – You have a higher risk of refusal Evidence shows that with increased refusal rates, the need to seek help is required even more. Mistakes, misunderstanding of questions, uploading the wrong documents, or not enough evidence often lead to refusals. Increased visa application fees along with higher costs, charges and levies, such as the Skilling Australia Fund …

Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement

New Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement

From 1 January 2020 Australian horticultural industry businesses will be able to apply for the new Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement to access to skilled and semi-skilled migrant workers, were appropriately qualified Australians are unavailable. Australian employers can use the Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement for the following: Sponsor overseas workers for the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) (subclass 482) visa for a …