Citizenship Applications Adelaide

What are the general requirements for Australian Citizenship?

**For a limited time only we offer a fixed fee of $500 + application fees**


To be able to apply for citizenship by conferral you must be:

  • Permanent resident status for 1 year and have lived in Australia for at least 9 out 12 months within the year
  • Lived continuously and legally in Australia for the past 4 years
  • Be physically present in Australia and must have not been absent for more than 12 months in the last 4 years
  • Meet the good moral character requirement

Here is the current information available on the Department of Home Affairs website:

(see  )

Number of applications received

This table shows the number of citizenship applications we received between 1 January 2020 and 31 January 2020.
The number for citizenship by conferral includes children under 16 years old who were included in their parent’s application.

Application type Number of applications*
Australian citizenship by conferral (general eligibility and other situations) 11,046
Australian citizenship by descent 1,708
Evidence of Australian citizenship 3,587

*The numbers are correct at time of publication.  The numbers come from a dynamic system environment and may differ slightly from previous or future reporting.


Number of applications we have

This table shows how many applications we had on hand on 31 January 2020.

The number includes children under 16 years old who were included in their parent’s application.

Application type Number of applications*
Australian citizenship by conferral (general eligibility and other situations) 122,300
Australian citizenship by descent 2,927
Evidence of Australian citizenship 505

*The numbers are correct at time of publication. The numbers come from a dynamic system environment and may differ slightly from previous or future reporting.

Processing times

This table shows how long it is currently taking to process citizenship applications.

A ‘decision’ includes applications that have been approved, refused, withdrawn and those that cannot be considered (invalid).

Application type Period counted Timeframe for
75% of applications
Timeframe for
90% of applications
Australian citizenship by conferral
(general eligibility and other situations)
From date of application to decision 15 months 21 months
From date of approval to ceremony 6 months 7 months
From date of application to ceremony 21 months 24 months
Australian citizenship by descent From date of application to  decision* 63 days 4 months
Evidence of Australian citizenship From date of application to decision* 5 days 12 days

* Allow an extra 10 days after approval of your application for printing and postage of your citizenship document. If you applied from outside Australia, postage will take longer.


Circumstances that affect processing times

Some factors can affect how long it takes to finalise your application.

If your application is affected by any of the following factors, it could mean that your application will take longer to finalise than an application not affected by these factors.

Factors that can affect the processing time of your application include:

  • whether you have given DOHA a complete application, including all the supporting documents
  • how promptly you respond when DOHA ask for more information or documents
  • the time it takes to check the information you have given DOHA
  • the time it takes for information from other agencies, usually for character and national security requirements
  • for applications for evidence and citizenship by descent, the time it takes for the postage of your citizenship document

Source: Department of Home Affairs website:

Last updated: 18 January 2020 (for month ending 31 January 2020)

To see if you can pass the citizenship test why don’t you check out our other Citizenship Test blog here and find out if you’ve got what it takes.

We can help you provide an application that is complete, with all supporting documents and minimise waiting times or the possibility of refusal.

If you have any questions or concerns as to how these may affect you, please feel free to contact me,

Australian Citizenship Registered Migration Agent: Graham Copson (MARN 1575606)

Mob 0417 083 231, or by email

“Your Migration Partner”

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